The Zabbix Grab-Bag

A collection of scripts and templates for Zabbix data collection, alerting, maintenance, etc.

View the Project on GitHub untergeek/zabbix-grab-bag

Need a script and template to monitor something? Have a script and template you're proud of and want to share it? You've come to the right place. This repository currently has scripts for low-level discovery, Elasticsearch monitoring, Redis monitoring, Network UPS Tools monitoring, and more, with more being added regularly.

If you have something useful to add, or awesome code improvements, this project welcomes pull requests.

Add your own files to their own directory, or a subdirectory.

The format of the files should be:

name[.extension] (.sh|.py|.pl|.whatever) 
[name.LICENSE] (Optional)

This "project" is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. If you don't like that license and want to license your contribution differently, please consider a separate subdirectory as it's own release, with its own license. This project is intended to be a "grab-bag," rather than a unified package.